Editor’s Letter from Dreams Pacific Rim Issue 2017
We’re stronger together. China, Southern California and Las Vegas have merged to become one super region, the DREAMS Region, where there is opportunity and lifestyle in abundance. In this issue of DREAMS, we share notable news from this mega Pacific Rim region of business and luxury. With stock and real estate markets at an all-time high, global wealth sits at unprecedented levels. Where has this wealth chose to live and invest? You’ve got it – the DREAMS REGION. We introduce you to the key players and influencers driving this flourishing economic ecosystem.
The end of the year is a time to come together and celebrate our accomplishments and triumphs. DREAMS brings you inside LA’s prestigious galas and award ceremonies, where you will stroll down the red carpet with us for a private movie premiere and don your black suit or dress for the heartwarming philanthropic celebrations of the holiday season. One event even had many in traditional German attire for Oktoberfest, a beautiful fundraiser held by the Cottage Guild benefiting Rosemary’s Children Services. By uniting as one, the people in our communities are making this special place we call home an even better place to live.
No longer just an entertainment destination thought of as “sin-city”, Las Vegas, just a one-hour flight and four-hour drive from Los Angeles, has become one with LA in the DREAMS Region. People from all around the world come to live, invest, and experience the finest in luxury lifestyles. In this issue, we color in the detail on how this once one-dimensional city evolved to become the new Global Oasis of the Pacific Rim Region.
Fashion is on everyone’s minds as we enter the holiday season, and 2018’s styles and brands will have you thinking about a wardrobe update. We sat down with fashion and real estate mogul Kevin Chen of FRANKIE to discuss luxury market trends and exploding Chinese consumerism. Also, we bring you an exclusive interview with the Founder of an emerging custom luxury men’s fashion house, ModaMatters, to get the scoop on what’s in store for the stylish gentleman in 2018.
An issue of DREAMS wouldn’t be complete without a showcase of the top international and DREAMS Region real estate. No other publication brings you a collection of prestigious properties and living spaces like DREAMS, and in this issue we were sure not to disappoint. We not only display the top estates and wonders of Southern California and Las Vegas, but also take you to far out places like Hong Kong, Thailand and Singapore to show the immense range of the Pacific Rim’s global wealth.
The holiday season is a time to come together and cherish the dreams that every human has; dreams that propel innovation and prosperity around the globe. I hope you enjoy this issue and remain inspired to dream and explore our new global frontier.
Natalie Friberg, Editor-In-Chief Dreams Magazine